Pancakes di Cavolfiore I should have known that writing about Neapolitan cauliflower pancakes I would have thought and missed to my Nonna Carmela. Entering the house, you were welcome by dancing tiles under most of your steps. Black and white-ish with a greek meander to delimitate the perimeter of each
Lentil Miso Soup with Mushrooms and Hazelnuts
And some meal planning and Unagi. You need to add this Lentil Miso Soup to your box of recipes. I am an advocate for old traditional dishes but always looking for new flavor combinations and pairings. Most of the meals I cook are the result of experimenting with what I
Classic Italian Tiramisù
How many Tiramisù an Italian eats in her whole life? I tried to make up a number thinking that I eat at least 10 Tiramisù a year between parties, eating out and un-birthday celebrations. The number is around 350 (I think I ate way more, but I feel shy today).